Explore accessible events!

Taming the Anxious Brain with Nature in Mind


During these stressful times, join The Morton Arboretum for an insightful online webinar for those interested in creating inclusive, wellness-centered experiences outdoors. Led by Dr. Heidi Schreiber-Pan, an expert in nature-based therapy, this session will explore practical, nature-inspired approaches to managing anxiety and stress. Dr. Schreiber-Pan will share effective, research-based strategies to help people understand […]

  • Virtual

Loud and Proud! Maximizing Your Accessibility Info for Guests


Event Description: A cultural institution’s website is often the first point of contact for guests with disabilities. Are the bathrooms accessible? Where are the elevators? Can services like sign language interpretation be requested, and if so, how? Join Cultural Access Collaborative as we examine how to offer practical and sustainable information to guests about your organization’s […]