ADA 101: The ADA & Cultural Spaces

CCAC's Inaugural Program

ADA 101: The ADA & Cultural Spaces
Date: February 3, 2014 (rescheduled from January 27
) at Lincoln Park Zoo

Please join us for Chicago Cultural Accessibility Consortium (CCAC)’s Kick-Off Program

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became federal law more than 20 years ago, but not all cultural organizations are aware of its implications, or about the recent changes in 2010. Join us for a brief ADA introduction geared towards beginners, especially focusing on how the law relates to cultural organizations like yours.

To help make the topic more approachable, a panel of local cultural administrators will practically discuss how different-sized cultural organizations–representing a variety of budgets and facilities–have approached different aspects of the law.


Archived Event Files

Archived Event Speakers

Facilitator: Robin Jones, Director, Great Lakes ADA Center
Panel members: Christena Gunther, Elmhurst Historical Museum; Evan Hatfield, Steppenwolf Theatre; Lynn Walsh, Chicago Children’s Museum and Philip Dawkins, Victory Gardens.