Serving Older Adults in Cultural Institutions

Learn how to better welcome older adults to our spaces.

As our audiences age, how are we as cultural institutions adapting to our audiences’ changing needs? One in two adults over the age of 75 has at least one disability, which could affect mobility, speech, hearing, vision and cognitive functioning. Due to acquiring the disability later in life, many older audience members may not identify as “disabled,” are unaware of what services may be available to them, or how to ask for them. Hear from panelists representing cultural spaces and partner organizations about how they are better considering older adults in their programming and services so our older audience members can continue to participate in our cultural spaces as they age, maximizing independence and choice.

Archived Event Videos

Serving Older Adults in Cultural Institutions

Archived Event Files

Archived Event Speakers

  • Moderator: Lucas Livingston, Assistant Director of Accessibility and Lifelong Learning at Art Institute of Chicago
  • Deb Del Signore, art therapist specializing in older adults; educator for Art in the Moment at the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Louise Hawkley, Senior Research Scientist at NORC at the University of Chicago
  • Karen Kolb Flude, gerontologist, expert in engagement of and community development for older adults
  • Hillary Pearson, Manager of Operations for Harris Theater for Music and Dance