How do we shift to seeing strength and capacity?
DARE TO IMAGINE: Creative Engagement in an Aging Society with Anne Basting
The world is aging. If we are lucky, we’re all aging, too. How do we shift from Tsunami/destruction metaphors to seeing strength and capacity? Creative engagement programs invite elders to share their imagination – to help connect to and shape the world around them. Anne Basting will demonstrate how, rather than lamenting our aging audience and citizenry, we might build on strengths to create a more connected community as we age.
About the Speaker: Anne Basting (Ph.D.) is an educator, scholar, and artist whose work focuses on the potential for the arts and humanities to improve our quality of life as communities and individuals. For 20 years, Basting has developed and researched methods for embedding the arts into long-term care, with a particular focus on people with cognitive disabilities like dementia. She founded and directs the award-winning TimeSlips Creative Storytelling, which replaces the pressure to remember with the freedom of imagination for people with memory loss.
Anne Basting